
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles

    Chrome Aesthetics uses the most advanced methods of reducing and eliminating fine lines and wrinkles quickly and effectively. We use the following brands:


    These are the perfect solutions to treat and prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and deep facial furrows. They work well on crow’s feet, horizontal forehead lines, and frown lines between the eyebrows. Most procedures take only 10-15 minutes, allowing you to return to your daily activities quickly.

    Our excellent staff is trained to offer quality services and results while keeping your health and safety the top priority. These are medications injected into the muscle to reduce wrinkles caused by muscle movement. The injections are strategically placed and the dosage is chosen based on your individual muscle strength and desired results.  

    All of our neurotoxins have several other treatment options that are considered “off-label,” but are highly effective in treating chin dimples, necklines, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), migraines, and other areas.

  • Biostimulators

    One of the most flattering things about a person’s profile is having a chiseled, defined chin. If you have excess fat under your chin or a double chin, then you may feel a bit self-conscious about your profile and overall appearance. But unless you want to undergo surgery, you may think that you are stuck with your double chin. You may not realize you have other options including an injection called Kybella.

    Kybella is an FDA-approved injection that improves the appearance of double chins by destroying fat cells. Kybella is a synthesized form of deoxycholic acid, a bile derivative, that helps the body destroy fat. Treatment with Kybella is fast, requires little downtime, and destroys fat cells permanently. Kybella destroys the membranes of the cells that store fat. Once these cells are destroyed, they can no longer store fat. The body’s natural healing and elimination processes take over, and in about four to six weeks, your fat deposits are dramatically reduced or eliminated.

    Most people can receive Kybella injections without any problems, but talk to your doctor or Kybella consultant, about whether you would be a good candidate for Kybella.

  • Dermal Fillers

    Experience the transformative power of Dermal Fillers at Chrome Aesthetics. Our range of innovative procedures includes the renowned Vampire Facelift and Vampire Facial, which combine growth factors through PRP with hyaluronic acid fillers or micro-needling techniques.

    With a variety of hyaluronic acid options, our expert practitioners tailor the treatment to address wrinkles, volumize creases and folds, replace areas of volume loss, plump and hydrate lips, lift scar depressions, rejuvenate earlobes, and revitalize the neckline. Trust Chrome Aesthetics to provide you with a personalized approach to achieving a youthful, radiant appearance.

  • Collagen Stimulators

    As we age, our skin naturally loses volume and elasticity due to the decline in Hyaluronic Acid (HA) production. Our collagen-stimulating treatments focus on addressing this issue, replenishing volume, and improving skin texture for a rejuvenated appearance. We offer Sculptra and Radiesse as effective solutions:

    Sculptra is a collagen stimulator injected into the dermis to restore facial volume gradually. It contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to stimulate collagen production, resulting in tightened and thicker skin. Please note that Sculptra is not a regular hyaluronic acid filler, and it may take several weeks to see the full benefits, with optimal results appearing between four to six months.

    Radiesse is a unique product composed of calcium hydroxyapatite particles suspended in a water-based gel. It provides an instant plumping effect while stimulating your body to produce new collagen. This leads to improved skin texture, increased volume, and skin tightening. The full benefits of Radiesse can be noticed within two to four months.

    Experience the transformative effects of Sculptra and Radiesse at our clinic, where our experts will tailor the treatments to your specific needs. Say goodbye to sagging skin and embrace a revitalized, youthful appearance.

    As bio stimulators, both of these products have a longer duration for results (typically up to 2 years).

  • PDO Threads

    Discover the remarkable benefits of PDO Threads. We utilize this innovative treatment to address skin laxity and texture concerns. PDO (polydioxanone) threads are carefully placed in various patterns and sizes, working to tighten the skin and stimulate collagen production. This non-surgical procedure strategically elevates saggy skin, resulting in the production of new collagen and elastin for a rejuvenated appearance.

    Our skilled practitioners employ PDO threads in a range of areas, including brow lifts, reducing lower face wrinkles, and performing thread neck lifts. This technique serves as a middle ground between surgical procedures and fillers, offering the advantage of no incisions and no scars. While a thread lift may not provide the same level of lift as a surgical option, it can make a significant difference, particularly in targeted areas of treatment.

    Experience the transformative power of PDO Threads at Chrome Aesthetics, where our experts combine their expertise with this cutting-edge technique to provide you with natural-looking results. Say goodbye to skin laxity and hello to a more youthful, lifted appearance. Book a consultation with our team today, and let us guide you on your journey to revitalized and rejuvenated skin.